For business owners and entrepreneurs
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Are you ready to find deep joy and satisfaction in your life and work?

The bigger your dream and vision, the more you need supportive people around you. You need to ignite your genius and follow your true north. You build confidence in your employees and customers when you listen to your intuition. Your Life Change Navigator is a thinking partner to eliminate uncertainty and engage enthusiasm and resilience.

Life Change Navigator provides inner confidence when you are

  • Changing direction or focus
  • Influencing a team
  • Unsure of what is best for yourself or others
  • Frustrated and angry without knowing what to do
  • Feeling a deep spiritual call for expansion

Could your company be more productive?

Teams can fall into unproductive patterns of blaming or stealing recognition for achievement. We have helped companies improve productivity and sales by learning ways of understanding and communicating authentically. Together, we can navigate a new adventure.

What would make you smile today?


In a turbulent sea, your compass guides you to the true north. Every sailor knows that when the shore is out of sight, they must rely on the compass and understand their current position. A sailboat is rarely on a straight trajectory to the destination. The boat zigs and zags as it catches the wind and adjusts to the waves. Conscious living is like sailing. You set a goal, but reaching it is more like changing the direction of a sailboat as you adjust to the unexpected.

The COMPASS supports your observation and self-trust as you embrace your leadership skills and life becomes an adventure. Intuition and guidance from your higher self expand, and the COMPASS becomes a valuable tool.

CLARIFY – Sort your feelings and experiences to understand the certain, the questionable, and the unseen and unclear. 

OBSERVE –  Notice your feelings and actions objectively. Include responses of others in your observation.

MAP Make an Actionable Plan – Provide specific actions and the timeframe. Prepare yourself with energy, confidence, and curiosity. 

PROCESS – Assess your results. What are the daily, weekly, and monthly achievements? Build on both success and shortcomings. Learn from your MAP, celebrating additional clarity gained.

ANCHOR your results. Lock in images and feelings of success. Celebrate all learning. You are in a new position. Gather the courage to explore fresh waters.

SET SAIL – Wind and waves power sailboats, while intention and choice power humans. With trust in a higher power for guidance, you can face the unknown. 

This process is circular. You reach a goal and begin again on your lifelong voyage. Arriving at a destination is an accomplishment worth celebrating until the next port calls. Life is a series of adventures. They never cease.



You meet one to one with Carole for rapid and lasting change. These discussions may be in person or on zoom. They require a private space where you will feel comfortable and uninterrupted.

Rapid change is possible when YOU

  • Accept that YOU are the common denominator in the problem
  • Want to stop blaming others
  • Look for answers without success
  • Are determined to create the life you imagine

The Breakthrough Process has three steps:

  1. Exploration – We will review your life history, the nature of your problem, and the result you want.  You will gain clarity and increase your resolve.
  2. Deep Change – With personalized exercises, visualizations, and hypnotic induction designed to shift your perceptions and automatic responses, you may make new choices quickly.
  3. Confirmation is a follow-up process that varies with each individual.  We will check in as agreed to track the changes.  We ensure that you are getting the results you intended.

Ideal for changing habits – smoking cessation – mindset shift

Schedule a complimentary discussion with Carole to determine if the Breakthrough Process is best for you.


Grow spiritual confidence and heart-centered leadership.
Life offers a never-ending choice to expand or contract your soul’s vision. Major shifts often occur over time. Life Change Navigator partners with those who choose leadership as their spiritual path. We foster authenticity, consciousness, and courage in the quest for excellence.

You define your goals and learn from your choices using the COMPASS PROCESS.

  • Find CLARITY in your life adventure.
  • OBSERVE the choices that you and others make.
  • MAKE an ACTIONABLE PLAN  using your vision and goals
  • PROCESS your results
  • ANCHOR your success and learning
  • SET SAIL with a clear understanding of your true north and future.

Six and twelve-month commitments are available. You set your desired outcome in conjunction with your coach before you begin. Schedule a complimentary session with Carole to see if this is right for you.


Expand your super-powers!


Energize Team


True North

Inner Coach

And More

My Approach to LIFE CHANGE

Carole spotlights effective communication.
What are you telling yourself?
How do you communicate with others?
We look for clues that provide specific, actionable steps you can follow. We can work with individuals or teams. You learn how to speak with others.
Most importantly, you learn how to speak to yourself. You are the captain of your ship. You set your sails and adjust with the winds and currents when you know the destination.

Hands-On Workshops & Talks

Carole Hodges is a multi-discipline master who has worked with leaders and teams. She offers live and online workshops to diverse audiences. Topics include women’s leadership, effective communication, understanding personality styles, and presentation skills. Carole uncovers and shifts hidden motivations with her talents as a coach, writer, and speaker.
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PO Box 2191, Fallbrook, CA 92088